How It Works

How It Works!

The FlashSeries line of products are a unique and exciting way to teach necessary information such as the math facts, alphabet, number recognition, and sight words.

  1. What Makes Us Different?
  2. How does it work?
  3. How do I use these programs?

What Makes Us Different?  

First of all, our computer programs TEACH the information before testing begins.  Most computer programs expect children to learn through the playing of games without ever teaching the information.  In the FlashSeries programs, games are played AFTER the information is TAUGHT - allowing the games to be a fun and exciting way of reinforcing information already learned.   

Secondly, we have taken an age old, proven method of teaching to a whole new level.  Flashcards have been used for many, many years to teach and review information.  Our programs incorporate this method of teaching, but in a new and dynamic way.  Instead of merely showing information on the screen in the same place, without any type of auditory cueing, the FlashSeries products FLASH the information up on the computer screen in different, random locatioins, captivating a child's attention.  When the information is flashed up on the computer screen, the information is also spoken, taking advantage of two learnings styles -  both auditory and visual learning.   

To view our products in action, please see our online demonstrations .

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How Does It Work? 

Learn It! Screen shot              Subtraction Math Facts Learn It!

(Figure 1, Learn It! Screen shot)                                          (Figure 2, Learn It! Screen Shot) 


As you can see in the screen shots above, information is flashed up on the screen in different, random locatioins.  Information is flashed at a rate of 1 item per second.  This is the optimal speed for the brain to learn new information (some FlashSeries programs allow the user to speed up or slow down the rate, depending on the user's specific needs).  While the written information is flashed up on the screen, the information is also spoken.  This unique method TEACHES the information to the child in a fun and dynamic way.   This method allows children of all ages and abilities to benefit from the FlashSeries programs. 

Once the child has been taught the new information, then the games begin!  Several differents games (depending on the product) are used to reinforce information learned in a non-stressful, fun environment.  Our programs do not use negative feedback sounds or negative visual cues for incorrect answers on the games.  The game will not progress until the correct answer is given.  This method reinforces learning in a positive environment that encourages further learning, rather than discouraging or frustrating a child with negative feedback.  

To view our products in action, please see our online demonstrations .  

How Do I Use These Programs? 

Sample Daily computer session schedule (explanation follows): 

Week 1




Day 1, Week 1  
    a.m. computer session: New "Flash Session" (either a preset session or customized)
    p.m. computer session: Same "Flash Session" as in the a.m.

Day 2, Week 1

    a.m. computer session: Same "Flash Session" as Day1- followed by Recall Game or Try It!
    p.m. computer session: Same "Flash Session" as Day1- followed by Recall Game or Try It!
  Day 3, Week 1  
    a.m. computer session: Same "Flash Session" as Day1- followed by Recall Game or Try It! game - followed by 66% input with optional flashcards
    p.m. computer session: Same "Flash Session" as Day1- followed by Recall Game or Try It! game - followed by 66% input with optional flashcards
  Day 4, Week 1  
    a.m. computer session:Same "Flash Session" as Day1- followed by Recall Game or Try It! game - followed by 66% input with optional flashcards
    p.m. computer session: Same "Flash Session" as Day1- followed by Recall Game or Try It! game - followed by 66% input with optional flashcards
  Day 5, Week 1  
    a.m. computer session: Same "Flash Session" as Day1- followed by Recall Game or Try It! - followed by flashcard “testing”

p.m. computer session: Same "Flash Session" as Day1- followed by Recall Game or Try It! - followed by flashcard “testing”


Week 2
  Day 1, Week 2  
    a.m. computer session: Week 1, Day 2 “Recall Game” or Try It! – followed by New " Flash Session"
    p.m. computer session: Week 1 "Flash Session" – followed by same "Flash Session" as a.m.
  Day 2, Week 2  

a.m. computer session: Week 1, Day 2 “Recall Game” or Try It! – followed by New " Flash Session" - followed by New "Recall Game" or Try It!"

    p.m. computer session: Week 1 "Flash Session" – followed by same "Flash Session" as a.m – followed by week 2 “Recall Game” or Try It!
  Day 3, Week 2  
    a.m. computer session: Week 1, Day 2 “Recall Game” or Try It! – followed by New " Flash Session" - followed by New "Recall Game" or Try It!" – 66% input with optional flashcards
    p.m. computer session: Week 1 "Flash Session" – followed by same "Flash Session" as a.m – followed by week 2 “Recall Game” or Try It!– 66% input with optional flashcards
  Day 4, Week 2  
    a.m. computer session: Week 1, Day 2 “Recall Game” or Try It! – followed by New " Flash Session" - followed by New "Recall Game" or Try It!" – 66% input with optional flashcards
    p.m. computer session: Week 1 "Flash Session" – followed by same "Flash Session" as a.m – followed by week 2 “Recall Game” or Try It!– 66% input with optional flashcards
  Day 5, Week 2  
    a.m. computer session: Week 1, Day 2 “Recall Game” or Try It! – followed by New " Flash Session" - followed by New "Recall Game" or Try It!" – "testing" with optional flashcards
    p.m. computer session: Week 1 "Flash Session" – followed by same "Flash Session" as a.m – followed by week 2 “Recall Game” or Try It!– "testing" with optional flashcards

*Each child has two computer sessions per day, lasting approximately 3 to 5 minutes each. It is best to ONLY use FlashSeries products for the recommended amount of time, as this is an educational tool, not merely a game. As with many things, allowing unlimited access to this teaching tool may cause boredom in your child, even after an initial, significant excitement.

*On the first one to two days, the child ONLY does the “flash” session (ex. ABC’s Set I, upper case). The number of times spent on the “flash” session will vary according to the child’s familiarity with the “flash” procedure, and their individual ability level. Some children are ready to move on to playing the “recall game” after two to three times of doing the “flash” session only. Other children will require more time spent on the “flash session” only, before moving on to adding the “recall game”. If you move on to the “recall game” and your child misses more than 50% to 75% of the words/letters and seems frustrated, go back to using the recall game only for one or two more sessions. Starting with the first session on Day 3 (or Day 2 as the case may be), the “flash” session is followed by the corresponding “Recall Game” (ex. ABC’s “Recall Game” I).

*After the child has been doing the “flash” session followed by the “Recall Game” for one to two days, begin using the optional flashcards AFTER each computer session with 66% input, to gauge recall ability. Sixty-Six percent input defined: Using the flashcards, you will hold up a card with a word/letter on it and tell the child the word/letter. Do the same thing for the second card. On the third flashcard, you hold up the flashcard and let the CHILD tell you what is on the flashcard. If the child gets the word/letter correct, lay that flashcard to the side and continue the process of telling the child what is on two flashcards and letting the child tell you what is on the third flashcard, until all flashcards are gone or two minutes is up.

*Once the child can successfully recall the majority (95%) of the information given during the computer session ON THEIR OWN, move on to new a new “flash” session. This generally takes one week, with two computer sessions per day. You can “test” this by showing your child the flashcards one at a time and having the child tell you what is on each flashcard, or by having the child read from the corresponding chapter in a book.

*The new information is introduced in the same way as the above mentioned procedure. In addition, include one review session during each computer session (either a previously learned “flash” session, a review that includes THREE previously learned “flash” sessions, OR a “Recall Game” from a previous session). The review is followed by the new information.

At the maximum, where the child is doing one review, one new “flash” session, one “Recall Game” and 66% input, the total time spent is approximately 4 minutes (depending on how long the child takes to complete the “Recall Game”).

*As new products become available, new games are being added. When looking at the suggested daily schedule, please note that your product's games may be different from those listed.

*As a child becomes more proficient, the child can move on to more challenging games - where provided. It is easier for a child to successfully answer a question with only 4 choices, than to answer a question with 8 or more possible choices. When a child is first beginning, it can be frustrating to try the "upper level" games before successfully completing the basic game.

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